Why We Give?
Why give? Since we are made in the image of a loving and generous God, we are made to give. Giving has multiple purposes:
We are to give:
– To be obedient to His Word and in response to God’s goodness (Malachi 3:10; James 1:17)
– To break the yoke of bondage that money could have on us (Matt 6:24)
– To focus on God as our ONLY source of security (Phil. 4:19; Matthew 6:19-20a, 23b-33)
– To be a blessing to others (Acts 20:35)
What options are available for me to donate? You can donate money directly from your bank account, or use debit/credit cards to donate. Visa and MasterCard are accepted.
Can I separate my gift among current envelope categories (Tithes/Offering/Momentum Campaign/Covenant Offering)? Currently, it is possible to separate Tithes/Offerings donations from Momentum Campaign and Covenant donations.
Is there a fee to donate online? There is no fee charged to donors. Greater New Macedonia will have to pay a nominal, not-for-profit per transaction fee.
Can I set up my online donation for recurring donations? Yes. After you have logged into your account, click on “recurring” and follow the instructions.
Do you provide giving/contribution statements? Yes.